Apocalyptic Utopia

Saturday, July 19, 2014
I am huddled, alone, in the darkest corner of an old, ruined shop. The air is filled with the loathsome, guttural groans of the decaying, walking dead. The zombie apocalypse, so long in coming, is here. Now. My beloved family, dear friends, all gone. And now they hunt me. Soon it will be my turn. I am their prey.

A sudden surge of defiance lifts me to my feet. With defiance comes an unexpected, desperate courage. I sprint towards the front of the shop, leap through the already shattered window, and up onto the roof of a long abandoned car. The zombie horde close around the car. I am surrounded by familiar faces now distorted in a ghastly rictus of ravenous hunger. For me.

Quickly I turn and spring for the overhanging patio canopy. My hands find the metal edge, cling, and I am up, standing on the flimsy canvas. From somewhere above a low hum intrudes. An engine! A plane! The hum grows louder. It is coming closer. I have to get to the roof, it is my only hope. I reach for the ledge above my head and, with the last of my strength, heave myself up and from there to the roof.

Now I see it isn’t a plane. Coming straight at me is a huge air balloon. It is being pushed gently through the air by propellers. Below it hangs a huge wicker basket. I see passengers, as torn and exhausted as me. There is a well-dressed captain barking orders. They see me. The balloon stops, hovers above. A rope ladder is dropped, and with a new strength, born from hope, I climb eagerly. The haunting groans of the dead float up from far below. Lassitude and relief flood through me. I feel safe. I lie on the wicker floor and fall deeply asleep.

Brightness, brightness and colour, like something from a story book, seeps under my eyelids and wake me. I look up at my new companions. Excitement and fresh vigour light their faces. I get to my feet and I see what they have already seen.

It is a new Utopia. Perched on the unreachable heights of a brilliantly green mountain, it is surrounded by perpendicular cliffs falling steeply away to sharp rocks thousands of feet below. There are buildings, pueblo-style, blue tiled roofs contrasting sharply with bright white walls.  I breathe deeply. My nostrils flare as I inhale the clean, brisk air. I detect a hint of cinnamon.

It’s a busy scene. Like bees homing on their hive, there are aircraft of all shapes and sizes milling round and coming in to land their precious, untainted, human cargo.

“Is this a place the virus didn’t touch?” I ask the well-dressed captain.

He is the strong, silent type. He nods and replies briefly in an accent I don’t recognise. “Here, we are above the plague.”

We land gracefully and the clean people already there smile and welcome us.

A young girl faces me. She is carrying a black roll and a survival pack. The pack is yellow, the colour of hope. “I’ve been assigned to you,” the girl says. “I’ll take you to our safe place.” She thrusts the black roll and the survival pack at me. “These are yours,” she says. “come with me. I’ll show you to your temporary campsite.”

We walk and I see sidewalks and signs on every corner. There are no vehicles of any kind. I follow her round a number of turns until we approach a huge, grassy knoll. Small plots are marked out every few feet, all with reserved signs on them. We arrive at the girl’s plot. She explains I should not unpack anything until the time is right.
“Which plot will be mine?” I ask her.

“Follow me,” she says smiling, and steps sideways to the next plot. She raises her arms theatrically. “Ta da!” She smiles again. “We are neighbours!”

I am happy. It is so good to feel I already have a friend in this new place. I leave my things on the plot and we set out for the largest building in this mountain-top Utopia.

School for Zombies

Sunday, May 25, 2014
I’m in an empty large and old room. This is my home I have been squatting in for some time. The story goes that I once lived here my first year of college. There on the other side was a made bed for an old roommate I had. There were no more rooms at the dorm so we were given a deal to live inside this old school. The school was outdoors, with a courtyard in the middle and each door lead to other classrooms. I wasn’t afraid at night, with the creaking and the howling wind. I was skipping work today but I put on my uniform. I was walking about to explore when a coworker rounded the corner with a school principal. I turned tail hoping to look to be busy as well, but he caught me and asked for me to deliver something to my other coworker. I said yes then breathed a sigh of relief when they went into a room. Then when passing the courtyard, the coworker meant for the delivery came out with more officials, talking about wiring the network. I panic that they’ll see where I live so I return to the door and peek in. My bed and clothes has been pushed by old tables and chairs, no one’s caught on they were my things.
Later that evening all the teachers and faculty have gathered in my room, as it was the largest space and the cleanest. I was in charge of setting up a projector for a film they needed to watch against the wall. While they watched there film, dusk was fatly approaching.  I stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. Over to my right I saw a glimpse of something blue. It almost becomes a nightmare. On top of the stairs in a figure in a large blue coat standing and staring, I turn and down the other hall is another figure, wearing a white shirt. Huge balding men, they both lunge, and my instinct was the rush the one on top of the stairs. He saw me coming and began to run.  Around winding corner we go, and I am thinking, these are the ghosts they live him. I cut off the man in the blue coat and suddenly he fades into an aging old man, transparent and blue. He asks if I am scared of him, and I saw of course not.
We are talking about the school grounds, how it was a tragedy which causes its demise and beneath us hundreds are buried. I thought it was such a silly thing to have built a school on top of a graveyard. As we are talking I notice shambling figures appearing around us. The full moon was high in the sky and suddenly my ghostly friend in the moonlight turned into a zombie as well. He said as long as I was near him I would not be hurt. A panicked small man suddenly rounded the corner and bumped into us. It was my manager, but he was young with long hair and dress like Carl Sagan. His eyes were wide and he saw my zombie friend and tried to grab my arm for us to run. I said no stay calm; you won’t be hurt if you are with us. My zombie friend, manager and I were getting pushed in by the crowd to the entrance of the auditorium. After the close knit shuffling and pushing, my manager felt he couldn’t stand it any longer. He ran forward away from us and tripped, zombies swarmed him and ate him before my eyes, and I screamed “No! Stop them!” but it was too late. We all were in a large hall way shuffling towards double doors.
Lights flashed and gun shots rang through the corridor. I looked closer through the doors and on the other side was mean in swat gear, waiting for the mob and had zombies piling up at their feet. I believed they would kill my friend so I took his arm and drug him against the wall. Suddenly doors to the outside beside the swat men opened. They were gunned down and men in electricians uniform stormed in shooting the zombies and police, and their leader was Mail my ex coworker who was fired. I exclaimed his name and asked what he was doing. He responded it was going to take this for himself. He aimed at my zombie friend ready to fire.
Out of nowhere a Viking axe lodged into the side of his head. A Viking horde iron clad and furs stormed between the zombies and now fought the electricians. Their Nordic raw shook the floor. I no longer could stand out position at the bottom of these stairs in the hall way. I grabbed my zombie friend and we pushed up through the chaos and back outside but outside no longer were outdoors, it was an in closed and beautiful hall way like outside of a grand theater. Sneaking around the edge of the walls were black robed figures, ninjas, here to kill the Vikings. Because my zombie friend was no longer in danger I let him go for him to hide. But I wanted to see inside the auditorium, so I borrowed a throwing star off of a ninja’s belt, and cut through a mesh vent opening to inside the grand theater. It had red velvet chairs and a high curtained stage. There wasn’t fighting anymore from what I could hear inside. I decided I will buy the school for myself.

The grounds where right beside my grandfather’s car lot. I needed to ask if the old school belong to the city or college so walked into my grandfather’s office. There sat a plump black lady counting money and another black women standing. I looked as if I had been through hell, and they didn’t look impressed. So I asked them the question. They said this land here is part of the other land, but they won’t go near it because it’s haunted. I realized what this means, I had inherited the school all along. I was excited because I would clean it up and let all the super natural guests now have a real home.  They looked widened and asked; you know it’s haunted right. And I said Oh you mean the ghosts? I’m met them one was the school janitor and the other was the matinance man. 

Baby lolita, Gothic lolita, Angel Lolita

Monday, December 24, 2012
I am a girl in a baby lolita style dress with blonde straight hair. I am an orphan and have moved into an orphanage, but just arrived to a new location. the house has a front pront and is two stories, it looks haunted. The yard is dirt and yellow grass surrounded by an old chipped white fence and gate. Across the street are brick houses, there yards neatly separated by shrubs. The orphanage manager is a girl a few years older than me, also in Lolita style. She just inherited the house and seems strict and straight faced. Before a boy goes into the house he shouts, that his parents are in the far house at the end of this street. he knows because the tree in the yard will have a crack from a lightning strike. I knew sometime was wrong, and maybe he wasn't an orphan after all. So I ran out of the gate to see the tree and tell his parents where the little boy was.

There wasn't a crack in the tree, and I felt sad for the boy. I turned and looked back at the house I just ran from, the young caregiver was walking towards me and I felt afraid. I heard a sound from next to an old parked truck. When I looked I saw a black haired lolita girl crouched next to it, she motioned for me to join her. She said the house, the caregiver, it was all evil and we must escape. She climbed into the truck bed and I went towards the drivers seat, but was cut off by the stern face of our caregiver. She pulled a wooden paddle and asked me to grasp the top of the truck bed door. The other girl was afraid for me and reached out to grab the caregivers hand. She was slapped back and told to wait her turn. I did what was asked of me and stared the caregiver into the eyes. She began to crack my knuckles over with the paddle, but I didn't flinch. I knew I wasn't going to feel pain and I was the master of this world. Her eyes widened and turned to narrowing cat eyes. She turned to my new friend, and roughly grabbed her face and began to hit her brow. I shouted at her because I knew my new friend wasn't as strong. Suddenly we hear a car door slam in the old houses driveway.

A woman in a tan trench coat with golden hair, shouts "Where is my son?!" The caregiver looks up and hisses, "He is gone, no one is here." She climbs off of my friend and rushes towards the house. My black haired Lolita dressed friend has a blooded eye, she holds her face disgusted at what she may look like. The distraught mother storms into the house, followed by her husband, and then the caregiver. My friend and I know we must help them. We rush back, past the porch to a wooden archway that leads into the back yard. Thorns and grabbing branches lean down at us and help my friend through them. We run into the back door. The house is beautiful  with rich dark red carpet and wooden panneling walls. 

There on a mantle shelf we see a silver frame begin to crack and burn like it was on fire. The walls do the same, black ash rising into the air, the door behind us was desentagrating. I threw the door open for it to crack and fall apart. I yell for my friend to run. The house, creaking and falling apart like charred paper behind us we run through the grabbing branches again. A large spider crawls from the arch way we must get through, my black haired friend is fighting off the grabbing thorns and is afraid. But everywhere I look the once scary things turn to a normal state, the spider turns into nothing more than vines and logs. The truck we were to escape in has pulled to the driveway and and jump in the back trusting who was driving. 

As we drive away, my perspective changes to looking over my blonde haired and white lolita body next too my black haired black lolita dressed friend. I am the caregiver now standing over them. I look at my hands then back to where the girls once were, it is now me staring into my reflection of the back truck window. Through the window I see a older blonde woman driving the truck. I am afraid of myself  and wish to be the blonde girl and my black haired friend again.The truck stops to a parking lot. All 3 of us climb out of the back, but I am still in the caregivers perspective. My black haired friend is barely alive, scattered fragments collapsed on a box. My blonde self is phases from her human face to rough stitched up rag doll. She warns "The #$%^%& is coming." It's a word I don't know but instantly fear. 

I hear a whisper behind me. What I see is the older blonde woman put herself between us and a tall figure. He has a ragged transparent grey cloak, long bony grey arms reaching out from underneath, with jagged nails. His face was most terrifying, with thin angler fish like teeth jutting out from his jaws, his eyes tiny and black. I fear him and new his purpose. He was about to consume my blonde and black hair self. Now I am the woman who drove us away. I am saying "No she isn't what you want." I am pushing at his body but i am unable to feel any pressure against the sheer transparent body. His hands reaches out and grasps the black haired Lolita on the nape, her hands and face being breathed in through his teeth like smoke. I yell for it to stop, but in my fear I lost control of this world. Next he reaches out to my blonde ragdoll faced lolita self, shreds of her at slurped through the teeth. I am again in the caregivers body no long watching this unfolded but now living it. I look most like myself in this body with red hair and black and white Lolita dress. I am  in front of him, his teeth sharp and menacing in front of my face. Time slows and I turn to see the tall blonde older woman stand hopelessly. She is wearing a men button up white shirt and black slacks. I do not know her face. I think, "I don't want to feel pain, I do not want to feel fear, It's time I give up this world."

Then I wake up.

Magical Theater Dream (7/22/2007)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

one day in school there was a substitue teacher. She was huge with a bright orange dress and bright red hair. There were double doors that appeared on the wall of a empty class room. The substitue took me and chris through the doors. It was a huge bed room. She changed us in great clothes. she wanted us to be her main children in a magical theater production for her followers in the magical kingdom. I was in a white flowing dres with laced up in the back and chris was in something simular with pants. He didnt have glasses and his hair was longer. Her request of us was to adore her, and tell her things children usualy would say to there parents or authority figures in the movies. Chris was on the ball, he spat every thing he could. But I...went blank, i never remembered one thing from those movies. I became weak and i kneeled down on the floor, i could see her power imulatatign from her body, i weeped and threw myself on the floor. She slide her hand on my back and said its ok its ok, but can you sing. As i sat up i noticed chris had change form...something more lowly and dependant to the woman, soem kind of creature i didnt know the name of. He was still spewing flatters and this woman who was growing more and more uglier to me. I could only remember the song that the little mermaid sang as her voice was being taken away by the evil sea witch. I began the melody.. the long series of ah's riseing higher and higher. chris changed form into a mischivious creature known for sayign distastfulthing. Hes skin was tan and hsi had messy pale yellow hair. His face pointy like a mouse and he was lanky with rags on him. He began to say things disrespectful to the woman and she began getting angry. she made him dissappear. I began to walk towards the stage, my dress began to shine and sparkle into a sequend gold and silver dress. I was singing on stage, and the lights turned on. people were dancing corographicly...glitter was falling from the sky and they all were singing a song i never heard before. Infront of the stage was a large fat toad like man, he was the conducter and mouthing the words to me. I sang what i could make out the rest was.. filler words that sounded like the words. I tried to do somthign on stage, like back up then come forward again. i backed up and ran into the people dancing. Suddenly doors burst open from everywhere! People flooding in form there classroom, all under a delusion they were in there next class. We all appear together on a swing. Like the boat ride at a theme park. They all were under a spell, besides the one with magical gifts. there was a boy sitting behind me that wasn't singign along with the rest of the people. I appered beside him for some reason. I had learned information out of nowhere and i began to speak with him. I told him, "that woman that is conducting us now is a witch. If you do not sing and act liek the rest of us she will turn you into a snake and kill you". On the words" turn you into a snake and kill you" we swooped by her minion on stage, on the returning swing i heard it repeat the phrase to the witch. I said aloud..someone heard me. I heard door slam open, it was the same double wide doors open, As i looked threw there, the classroom were changing. highschoolers were peering into the door from the classrooms, but they couldn't get in. The lights switched off loudly, and the swing stood still. the highschoolers broke of there spell began to run for the door. I sensed a war approching in the theater.... I stood upon a chair, and shouted "All people of magical desent stay for the contreversy that is approaching!" Some people stoped in the crowd and began to step out, there friends followed.
Like solders standing out on the battlefield, the magical gifted highschools and soem mortals sat in a row at the back of theaters facing the magical evil creatures. I looked accross the seats on my right and found the boy i warned earlyer. His appearance had changed, he was taller and his hair was jet black. He was wearing black jeins and a blue and green sweater. He smiled and gave a nod, i returned the gester. I saw on either side he had a friend holding his hand. With me i had chris back at my side and a girl who didnt have anyone stay with her. Creatures began to move forward...the first wave were short goblins and gnomes. Unsure of my abilitys I stood and tried on a few gnome first. I jsut had to image what i wanted them to do. I shouted freeze! and the gnomes turned chilly blue and shattered. The other short creatures saw the threat and was taken aback...then came mroe forcably. The other boy stood and tried the same. It worked for him and more creatures shattered. I began to make sounds and imaged the distruction i was causing these creature. Lightning shot from my hands and i took out a wave of flying bat creatures. The trolls began to come forward with swords, I realized the mortal had nothign to defend there self with. I created swords out of the air and they appears in there hands. Everyone stood ready to fight. A large bubble filled with glowing black and gold swirls grew bigger, it was from one of the witches at the front of the theater. When it burst a flash was sent over the theater and a vial of grey darkness covered them. Creatures of all sizes flooded through the vail and gave us no time to properly repare ourselves. With a sword in my hand and my other causeign the smaller creature burst into spliters i faught vigeriously with a yell in my throat. A slowing effect began to engulf the scene.. i saw mortals and magicals fighting like warriors al around me, mortal masters with swords and magicals spewing fire and ice at creature killign them in a single blow. As i turned to see infront of me and large glowing sword was stuck in the ground and being pulled out by a large hand. The time paced itsel back to normal and i saw a huge troll infront of me raising his sword. Because it was so close i stabbed him with my sword and slashed his belly. And spun around. There was a line of creatures simular to the yellow basterd in sin city. I tried to blow thier heads up... but my magic was invencable, and they had magic of there own. One appeared right infront of my nose, his stale sour breath on my face and a green grin on his. He pinned my hands to the wall with his power..... And thats where my dream ends.

Dreams and emotional attatchment

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
There are dreams of significance only in that you recognize the people and places you are in. But what happens you are thrust in a new places with new people and you are a new person. There are widely detailed dreams I have been apart of that took emotional tolls on me. I am not that person, I do not know these people, but I feel the friendship, love, and loyalty to them as if they are with me in my waking hours. The situations that are most heart wrenching are those in the middle of a situation I am meant to help. No only do these dreams not conclude but they end at critical moments when these people needed me the most. Torn from that life when I wake up comes with feelings of separation, guilt, and lose. In my haze I try to go back there, laying still, hoping to finish the dream or complete my goals. It doesn't come but instead I have another dream unrelated, pushing the other from my mind but leaving the feeling of missing something. Knowing that you miss something but don't know what is the worst curses humankind all shares.

5/26/2012 Dream part 2

Saturday, May 26, 2012
People and I are escaping a mall type place. before making it out we are corners and forced into a store area. Inside are piles of new merchandise from clothes to mattresses to shoes and toys. There are moving machinery and one of us barricade the doors. We now look like people from the show Community. I have an urge to begin organizing the strewn warehouse. Everyone follows suit and helps me, allowing me to direct them. I am in a simple dress and I want to change my outfit. I pick and chose through the piles of clothes . My outfit is now a baggy grey and salmon t-shirt with a green jacket loosely on and my pants are the same salmon color and have a crouch that goes from my waste to my knees then turn into tights. I then remember we were escaping from someone. I began to formulate a escape plan and realise there are several doors tot he outside. I push stuff away from the farthest corner door and open it. it is a empty alley and it is cold and raining outside. I hear the bad peoples voices around the corner. when I come back in and turn around the room is perfectly organized. In the middle looks like store shelves stocked neatly. I get distracted by a group of large dolls the team found. There are wigs and heads and complete dolls. I want to present them well and pick out outfits for each of them and organize the extra heads and wigs. I remember the door tot he outside just as a dumb girl goes to the wrong one. She is ready to escape and doesn't listen to me when I say there are enemies near the door she wants to go out of. I agree to let her go as long as I can construct a locking mechanism behind her. Shortly after I have a latch on the door and she leaves and I lock it. She screams and bangs on the door before the bad people snatch her. People begin to hate me because I let her do what she wanted to do. So I leave but now feel it's time I have control over the dream. I leave out the alley way door and stop the rain. I begin to float and go around the corner to see shelves of cute shoes all recalled. I pick through them but am spotted by a bad man in a suit. He makes a grab at me but misses me. I float up above his head and feel bad for him. I think I pity him for not understanding I can do what ever I want now.

5/26/12 Dream Part 1

I am sitting on a couch with James and Don. It is a dark spacious room with a large tv infront with controls hanging from the ceiling. I recognize this is an advances game system for virtual reality.
It's an ancient arena. In first person I see a minecraft gui. Myself and 3 others are traveling through to find a way towards something. There are collectibles that are poler roids. Under water i see them scattered along the bottom and must collect then because my air meter runs out. We go to the next room on the other side of a water tunnel. The boss battle begins and in the water is a behemoth, a leviathan of some kind.
james gets up and goes around the couch  and I feel the warmth of Don at my side. While playing my feet have worked their way on to his knees.  We wait for james to return from the kitchen.