Do I or do I not Dreams

Sunday, May 20, 2012
My most basic dream is those of simple actions. Either one or two odd things I can encounter in my daily life.

It is often my alternative choice that I had made. A pen is left near the sidewalk; I decided to not pick it up. That night or when I sleep, I am back at that moment where I decided not to pick up the pen. Instead, I pick it up and place it in my purse. When I wake I feel a completeness, like that moment was weighing on me and now I could let it go. If it is a grocery list that was folded left in a shopping cart that I do not read, in my dream I will open it to read out items I guess was there.

Not all of them are the moments of choice.  Some are ones that complete a goal I gave myself that I did not actually achieve. If losing an item caused me distress and I did not find it, it my dream it will be at my feet to pick up. Chores such as folding the laundry or reorganizing the shelves are done in length, all in first person. Even a missed call may be returned when I had no intention of actually returning it awake.

I am a natural collector of odds and ends so I think it contributes to the feeling of completeness I feel when I dream of picking up passed items. When I was younger I had a jewelry box filled with the odd lost earring or piece of a key chain. Things I found mildly interesting such as a sealed wrapper missing it's candy or strange shaped pebble found it's way there.


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