5/26/12 Dream Part 1

Saturday, May 26, 2012
I am sitting on a couch with James and Don. It is a dark spacious room with a large tv infront with controls hanging from the ceiling. I recognize this is an advances game system for virtual reality.
It's an ancient arena. In first person I see a minecraft gui. Myself and 3 others are traveling through to find a way towards something. There are collectibles that are poler roids. Under water i see them scattered along the bottom and must collect then because my air meter runs out. We go to the next room on the other side of a water tunnel. The boss battle begins and in the water is a behemoth, a leviathan of some kind.
james gets up and goes around the couch  and I feel the warmth of Don at my side. While playing my feet have worked their way on to his knees.  We wait for james to return from the kitchen.


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